Title Of Your Company: Lidl & Kaufland Asia Pte. Limited
Internship Title: 2024 Summer Internship Programme (Singapore)
Company Address: http://www.lidl.asia
Country: Singapore
Internship: paid
Paid Detail: paid in sing dollars
Last Date Of Application: 2024-02-29
Location Of Your Company: Singapore
Description : Lidl and Kaufland are a leading European food and retail company with over 12,500 stores worldwide. We have made a name for ourselves by delivering high-quality products at low prices. At Lidl & Kaufland Asia we are responsible for sourcing products that support the companies’ global operation. We handle every stage of the sourcing process: from insights and ideas through to realization, production, quality assurance and delivery, we make sure that every product on a Lidl shelf can be trusted by our customers.